Saturday, July 21, 2012

New Reflections after being published.

It is really funny to me the different impressions that people are getting about The Final Shortcut. I had certain images in my head when I wrote this. And when I talk to people after they have read it, many of them are seeing different things and making parallels that I had never thought about.
I made Junior to be a victim of his own life's circumstances, but I did not think that he would turn into such a sympathetic character. Many are asking for a sequel where Junior rides again. Mmmm...(I have started to make some notes in this direction, i have a couple ideas)
If I can, I will make this happen, but I will not put out anything that is not worthy of the first novel. I hate it when sequels are cranked out quickly and sloppily just to capitalize on the popularity of the first one. So, if you hear that I am working on Junior Part two, be assured that I have some equally twisted and nefarious plot lines to thrill you with.
The first book was started in 2002. I finished it in 2004. I printed it out, a couple friends read it, then I put it on my bookshelf where it sat until 2011. I wrote it because I wanted to write it. I was not thinking about printing or selling it at that time. It was a compulsion that I wanted to see if I could finish a full novel.
My new wife read it in 2006 and loved it, she has been urging me to get it printed since then. So at long last I put it out there, and I couldn't be more thrilled.
I hope this will turn into a new career for me. I can think of nothing that I would rather do than write. Well...not many things.
I make a promise to all those that I will now refer to as fans of the novelist. I will NOT put any material out there for your perusal until it meets my personal approval. I will not crank out a sloppy, trite, or unrealistic story just to capitalize on sales. Money has never been my primary focus. As far as my writing goes, I feel honored that you are reading and enjoying my work, I will do my utmost to honor your criteria in the future.
Thanks to all of you for your support, I think that great things are on the way!!

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