Tuesday, July 31, 2012

 I couldn't resist tabulating the viral reach of this creepy new blog. So far these are the countries that are looking in. It would be very cool if you would leave a comment and share a little of your world with us.

United States of America    United Kingdom      South Africa  
  Italy  Chile   India    Netherlands    Thailand
Uganda      Argentina    

Malaysia   Australia    South Korea  
Canada  Ireland  Poland  Spain  Brazil   
 Sweden Luxembourg

Take a deep breath and continue.



United Kingdom


Bosnia and Herzegovina



I am extremely happy that so many are looking in.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Leave me a comment!

If you stop by and you like what you see, or if you don't, or if you are just checking out the creepy pictures, leave me a message and let's start a conversation. This page is quickly going viral and it has had hundreds of visits in only a few short weeks. Take a minute to send me some feedback and join the little community. Presently there are people visiting this from the USA, Canada, Russia, Brazil, Bosnia, India, Uganda,Ireland the UK as well, and many other countries around the globe. Interesting how a digital signal can reach so many places.
 Yes these are all real mummies and artifacts. The mummies are created because of the mineral content in the soil. The area has a lot of silver and something in the strata infuses with the bones of the dead and create these vexing statues.
 Saber toothed tigers! Yes they were real.
If you are still reading then you are still curious. Drop me a message and I will tell you where these unique photos came from. I assure you they are all real and in museums. I will give you a hint.

The city sits in the middle of a natural bowl high in the mountains. You can only get to it through a tunnel!

This is so very wrong, but I couldn't resist. It is not any sort of statement or political  attitude, it is just a crazy video. Only meant to raise a twisted grin on your face.


Check out the rest of my favorites on my YouTube Channel

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More about The Final Shortcut.

The main character in The Final Shortcut is called Junior. He had some very traumatic experiences as a child and this unfortunately continued into his teens. This is the basis for his mental condition and this is what warped his little mind into a psycho killer. So initially his madness is not his fault, having been the culmination of his life's tragedies. And this fact has given many of my readers a somewhat sympathetic feeling toward Junior. I mean he is a sick, viscous killer. But many readers feel compassion for him and want another book about him. Go figure. I tried to paint him as an evil, ruthless murdering cannibal, and people feel sorry for him. Gotta love it. I am writing some notes about a possible sequel. But I will have to find some ideas and a hook that will set this apart from some other sequels. I abhor sequels when they crank out a story just to capitalize on the appeal of the first one. So rest assured that I will NOT put anything out there that is not as engaging and original as the first one.
To me, having people read my work and really enjoy is a great honor. I wasn't thinking about publishing anything when I started this book in 2002, yes it has been that long. (I finished it in 2004 and put it away until now) But now that it is out there and I am building a fan base, I will work very hard to honor thier love of my writing. If you hear that I am working on Junior Part II, then get ready for another crazy, twisted plot. It's what I do, I just can't help myself.
Stay tuned and come back for more updates.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

New Reflections after being published.

It is really funny to me the different impressions that people are getting about The Final Shortcut. I had certain images in my head when I wrote this. And when I talk to people after they have read it, many of them are seeing different things and making parallels that I had never thought about.
I made Junior to be a victim of his own life's circumstances, but I did not think that he would turn into such a sympathetic character. Many are asking for a sequel where Junior rides again. Mmmm...(I have started to make some notes in this direction, i have a couple ideas)
If I can, I will make this happen, but I will not put out anything that is not worthy of the first novel. I hate it when sequels are cranked out quickly and sloppily just to capitalize on the popularity of the first one. So, if you hear that I am working on Junior Part two, be assured that I have some equally twisted and nefarious plot lines to thrill you with.
The first book was started in 2002. I finished it in 2004. I printed it out, a couple friends read it, then I put it on my bookshelf where it sat until 2011. I wrote it because I wanted to write it. I was not thinking about printing or selling it at that time. It was a compulsion that I wanted to see if I could finish a full novel.
My new wife read it in 2006 and loved it, she has been urging me to get it printed since then. So at long last I put it out there, and I couldn't be more thrilled.
I hope this will turn into a new career for me. I can think of nothing that I would rather do than write. Well...not many things.
I make a promise to all those that I will now refer to as fans of the novelist. I will NOT put any material out there for your perusal until it meets my personal approval. I will not crank out a sloppy, trite, or unrealistic story just to capitalize on sales. Money has never been my primary focus. As far as my writing goes, I feel honored that you are reading and enjoying my work, I will do my utmost to honor your criteria in the future.
Thanks to all of you for your support, I think that great things are on the way!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Leave a comment, or send me a message and talk about your writing. Looking for admins to spread this blog.
If you have a novel or a great short story, tell us about it.

Friday, July 13, 2012

This is another review from Amazon,

Suspenseful! July 10, 2012
Format:Paperback|Amazon Verified Purchase
Every time I had to put this book down I found myself wondering what Junior was up to while I was away. He does tend to reach out from the page, draw you in, and stay with you! While its genre is a departure from my norm, this book persuades me to want to read more like it, at least from this author. Mr. Ray does a wonderful balancing act, shocking and holding the reader while avoiding the graphic sex and violence that too often accompany this type of story. Smart humor, interesting characters, fun reading! http://www.amazon.com/The-Final-Shortcut-Bernard-Ray/dp/143278644X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1332077598&sr=1-1

This is a review from the LinkedIn professional website.

Mike P.     Technical/ Operations supervisor, (colleague)

“Gary is has proven to me to be a very talented Author. His book, "The Final Shortcut" had me hooked right from the start. I generally read a lot of suspense and detective type novels such as James Patterson, Lisa Scottoline and Paul Levine. This particular book rates up there with the some of the best I have read. When I heard Gary had written a book, I ordered it as soon as I could. This was mainly to support a former co-worker, but after starting it, I couldn't put it down. The story flows very well and has all the makings as of a great series. Or at least a sequel. The story not only gives some you some pretty shocking details but also gets you in the mind of the killer and lets you know how he became the way he is. This is what a lot of novels lack and I am glad Gary included it. There is also another story of stolen goods and kidnapping that goes along inside of the main one of Trucks and their drivers disappearing and they way they all tied together in the end was nothing short of genius. I look forward to the next novel but really hope to see this story line revisted. I Would love to see Junior come back with a vengance!!. Pick up "The Final Shortcut" you wont be disappointed.” July 11, 2012

When I hear things like this it really makes me feel good inside. I worked hard to put certain elements into my writing. Thanks again, I'll get the next book out as soon as it is ready. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I am G Bernard Ray. 55 years old and I have spent most of my life in the Southeastern USA. I have had the opportunity to travel, study and live in several countries. My wife and I lived for nearly two years in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. We also were able to live on the Island of Saint Kitts for several months. Between us we have visited a great portion of Europe, Latin America, the USA and China.
I love to create tales of horror and suspense. My mentors have been Alfred Hitchcock,Edgar Allen Poe and of course Stephen King. I began to dabble with writing as early as middle school, and progressed to film making and script writing later in my schooling.
My love for the horror genre goes back to my childhood when I would sneak out of bed and creep in the living room to watch the late show. In that day we had a large black and white, stereo console TV. In order not to wake up anyone else, I had to sit on the floor next to the speaker with the volume so low that I could barely hear it. So that means I was also sitting next to the screen, and when the monster jumped out, so did I.

Monday, July 2, 2012

I have been working hard trying to finish my second novel. It is still in the horror genre (that is what I do best) This one is a Vampire story. A viscious, cruel evil vampire story. The kind of vampires that you definitely do not want to kiss. The teenage love sick vampires make me want to puke.
For this one I went back to the ancient folklore of medievil Europe and the ancient Hebrew mythology to find the origin of the vampire character. It is amazing how old some of these stories go. Which strikes me as really strange since the popular belief is that Vampires do not exist. It does make you wonder.
Is is said that their greatest strength is that no one believes in them.  I found out that in the beginning of time (in folklore) that the Earth was created to be a perfect place. The Garden of Eden was where the first humans walked in paradise. But it is written that Adam had a first wife named Lilith. She was formed from detrius and unclean things and as a result, she was an evil creature. Once I started down this path I found tomes of literature about her.
She was cast out of Eden because she did not submit to God's commands and she subsequently gave birth to hundreds of evil entities.  Look at this picture closely. The figure in the tree has a feminine face and a serpents tail.

It is more obvious here. This speaks to me that where there is good, there is also evil. The balance of the universe, the Yin and the Yang if you will.

This was where I started with a new work. I will not say anymore about it, because I don;t want to give anything away just yet.
I should have this book finished in a few weeks, and hopefully it will be printed shortly after. Stay tuned for more crazy twisted plot lines and the OMG moments that I am becoming famous for.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

 This is my premier novel, The Final Shortcut. It is a thriller suspense novel about a young boy that grows up to be a serial killer. His young life was riddled with unfortunate circumstances that twisted his brain in terrible ways. At age fifteen his father died tragically in front of him and that was the catalyst that sent him over the edge.
Check out the reviews on Amazon, Barnes and Noble.



Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated horror fiction from Cayce, SC, author G. Bernard Ray



Denver, Colorado, United States of America (Free-Press-Release.com) April 19, 2012 -- Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Final Shortcut by G. Bernard Ray. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the horror fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at www.outskirtspress.com/thefinalshortcut was launched simultaneously with the book's publication.

 318 pages  in length, The Final Shortcut is being aggressively promoted to appropriate markets with a focus on the horror fiction category. With U.S. wholesale distribution through Ingram and Baker & Taylor, and pervasive online availability through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and elsewhere, The Final Shortcut meets consumer demand through both retail and library markets with a suggested retail price of $15.95.

Additionally, The Final Shortcut can be ordered by retailers or wholesalers for the maximum trade discount price set by the author in quantities of ten or more from the Outskirts Press Direct bookstore at www.outskirtspress.com/bookstore.
ISBN: 9781432786441 Format: 5.5 x 8.5 paperback cream SRP: $15.95

For more information or to contact the author, visit www.outskirtspress.com/thefinalshortcut.