All castles are not in Europe. This one is very famous south of the US border. The Castillo de Santa Cecillia is a prominent landmark in Guajuanato. The city is the cradle of the Mexican revolution.
There is history of the Spanish conquerors, and a period where they experienced the Spanish Inquisition. There are many museums and historical exhibits throughout the city.
There is also an earthly feature there that transforms those interned into mummies! The minerals in the soil infuse into the bones of the dead and create these creepy carcasses.
This was absolutely the strangest and most genuinely creepy places I have ever been.
There is an amazing amount of history there aside from the mummies. The Mexican Revolution, The Spanish Conquistadors, and a legend of unrequited love and murder that is told at the "Callejon de los Besos." or the Alleyway of the Kisses. It is an amazing place for a history fan and a must see for a fan of the macabre.
Come back soon for some pictures of the Medieval torture chambers and more mummies!