Friday, May 8, 2015

Don't take shortcuts off the main roads April 8, 2015
This was a great read, I hated to put it down. It was so scary I chewed my fingernails wondering what was going to happen next. I enjoyed every page from Woodstock to the truckjackings to the very end in the caves and wished it was longer. I'm a great Stephan King fan but I have to say this was even better. If you like gore you better read this one, there are so many surprises you won't be able to stand it.
Audrey rated it 4 of 5 stars
I feel it necessary to qualify my rating of this book. This is not the kind of book I generally enjoy; it's gruesome to say the least. However, I gave it four stars because I had a hard time putting it down. I was enthralled the whole way through. It’s like watching a train wreck or a bad car accident. You don’t want to look because you know it won’t be good, but you can’t NOT look.
Douglas Castagna rated it 4 of 5 stars
One of the major things I liked about this was the back-story. Ray takes the time to tell us about Junior, how he grew up, his parents, and what makes him tick, and how his clock was eventually over wound. This is where his story excelled. We got to know the killer, intimately, and we were guided into his world before it became awash with blood, and we were there for that as well.

Ray created a strong character and a tense story with some nice scenes of violence and gore. Ray is a great new voice in the world of horror.