Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I'm A

 Novelist, travel writer, blogger
  and a wearer of snappy hats.

 Dancer, chef, risk taker,
 what do you think about that?

 Traveler extraordinaire
 having been to many lands,

 English, Spanish, German,
 and I can even talk with my hands.

 Life is for the living, not for stupidness, you hear?
 Don't be scared, take a shot and scream I WANT MORE!

  for "You can never cross an ocean,
 if you are afraid to leave the shore"

Saturday, June 8, 2013

It will be over 400 pages of fangs, terror, action and horrific vampires that you do not want to kiss and have babies with.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Here are some more creepy pictures from my travels.....

......just because!

 Saber toothed tiger... no really!
 Yes, they are all real artifacts, medieval torture devices and  mummies, in Guanajuato, Leon, Mexico.
Go see for yourself if you think I am fooling.

Monday, April 1, 2013


I am currently looking for a literary agent.The normal process is very trying and it is the bane of my existence. The query letter is an oppressive thing for me. After all I am a novelist, it took me 318 pages to tell the story in "The Final Shortcut"
For a winning query I have to compress that into a paragraph. I really think the query process is prohibitive, and a very small number of those are actually reviewed.
It is no wonder that so many authors are rejected. In fact a lot of now famous authors were rejected over and over. If you can write a fantastic paragraph, then become a newspaper journalist.
I would love a chance to have someone in the business actually review a book and not a letter. But they simply do not have the time to read every book, which brings us back to the short, intense paragraph that is intended to grab their attention and make them say WOW!
My next novel is a vampire tale and it came in at nearly 400 pages. The vampires are not teenage lovesick vampires either. In fact there is only one at first. The alpha vampire and he is someone that you definitely do not want to kiss and make puppy faces with. A query for this is not going to be easy. It takes me three pages just to give the scenario.
Oh well...tis my plight and it shall be my undoing!

Friday, March 29, 2013


The new vampire novel is finished!!! It is now being reviewed and submitted for editing. The process is not fast, but the hardest part is done. 



I will post all the updates as they happen so you will be the first to know when it is ready for print. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013


 If you are a fan of the horror genre, if you are a fan of well-written stories, if you are a fan of being scared by the stories you read then "The Final Shortcut" is the book for you. This book reminds me of earlier works by Stephen King, Dean Koontz, or John Saul...if you are a fan of and enjoy these authors then you will enjoy and become a fan of G. Bernard Ray. "The Final Shortcut" is the first book by this talented author and if his future books are like this one then Mr. Ray will have a long career ahead of him.



Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Review of The final Shortcut

I want to share another fabulous review from the Amazon.com website. Thanks to DrDR, I am very pleased that you enjoyed it, I hope that I gave you a few OMG moments.

5.0 out of 5 stars Great story, May 15, 2012
DrDR - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Final Shortcut (Paperback)
So many books take multiple chapters to even become remotely interesting, but I was hooked on Ray's novel by the end of the first paragraph. The story continues to deliver by being extremely well developed and thought out. There is enough character development that i had no trouble picturing the characters and the scenery with perfect clarity. At the same time, Ray doesnt waste your time describing mundane, useless information that makes you want to wait for the movie. The book simply STAYS interesting in that classic "can't put it down" quality. The story is unbelievably believable, and makes you think this could really happen. One pet peeve of mine with horror stories and "slashers" is the gratuity with which slayings are handed out, and the lack of rationale and motive behind the mayhem. The character "Junior" is so well developed that you actually empathize with him. In fact, I found myself agreeing with him and justifying his actions....at times. I'm very impressed with Ray's story-telling ability. The story flows smoothly, is interesting, captivating, pleasantly demented, and a lot of fun. I can't wait to see if Junior comes back for round two.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

That motley drama- oh, be sure
   It shall not be forgot!
With its Phantom chased for evermore,
   By a crowd that seize it not,
Through a circle that ever returneth in
   To the self-same spot,
And much of Madness, and more of Sin,
   And Horror the soul of the plot.

But see, amid the mimic rout
   A crawling shape intrude!
A blood-red thing that writhes from out
   The scenic solitude!
It writhes!- it writhes!- with mortal pangs
   The mimes become its food,
And seraphs sob at vermin fangs
   In human gore imbued.
Edgar Allan Poe
(excerpt from The Conqueror Worm 1843)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

I just received this review and I had to pass it on. I am honored to be compared to one of my main influences, Stephen King. Thank you Anita, I hope to make your acquaintance some day.

5.0 out of 5 stars Spine-Tingling Good Story, December 28, 2012
This review is from: The Final Shortcut (Kindle Edition)
"The Final Shortcut" by G. Bernard Ray is one great scary story. If the genre of horror is your favorite then you will want to read this book.

Junior is a troubled young man that had a difficult childhood. At the age of 5 his parents attended Woodstock. One night while they were partying and Junior was sleeping the couple camping next to them made some tea from hallucinogenic mushrooms laced with LSD that they all drank. Unbeknownst to everyone Junior woke up and went outside to see what everyone was up to. He saw a glass partially filled with liquid and being 5 and thirsty he drank some. Of course the liquid wasn't just any liquid but the `special' tea. He wandered off and when he was found a few hours later he was in trouble. He was rushed to the hospital and his life was saved but that drink of tea cost him dearly. His face was permanently deformed and it was thought he would always be a special needs child. Finally the day came when he would attend school and be around other kids...this is when his troubles really began.

One problem Junior had was his temper; he had a hard time controlling it and would often go into rages. As he grew older he found that when he became stressed he would get a headache also and the only thing that would help is to kill; killing seemed to make everything better. As the years went by he added more acreage to the family land, he reinforced the old mine that he and his father found, he built the mansion of hunting shacks, wired everything for security...all so he could hide and enjoy what he did best...kill. There is so much more to this story than Junior's killing but I do not want to give anything away.

"The Final Shortcut" is a well-written horror story. In this book you do not get pages of details about each killing as you would find in a hack and slash movie and that is what makes this story even scarier. The adage of `less is more' is true here. I started this book and from page one I was hooked and stayed that way until I turned the final page. It is hard to describe how scary this book really is. What made this book so good is Mr. Ray did not bog the reader down with useless details about every kill Junior made; he gave just what was needed to tell that part of the story and that is what made the story even better.

If you are a fan of the horror genre, if you are a fan of well-written stories, if you are a fan of being scared by the stories you read then "The Final Shortcut" is the book for you. This book reminds me of earlier works by Stephen King, Dean Koontz, or John Saul...if you are a fan of and enjoy these authors then you will enjoy and become a fan of G. Bernard Ray. "The Final Shortcut" is the first book by this talented author and if his future books are like this one then Mr. Ray will have a long career ahead of him.

5.0 stars

Anita (The Kindle Book Review)

The KBR received a free copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. We are not connected with the author, publisher, or Amazon in any way.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Everybody loves a grisly Vampire tale and I am no exception. I grew up watching horror movies and reading the macabre tales of Poe, Hitchcock and many others.
My latest novel is, as you might guess, A    Vampire tale most grisly. It is almost ready to be submitted to the publisher.
 I apologize that I have taken so long, but I refuse to put anything out to my readers until it is ready. I write because I love to.
 I do not write for the sole purpose to sell books. So I am more involved with getting the story perfect before it is printed.

 This one will certainly not be a poofy teenage love story with fangs. Vampires are evil and I have written a tale about the

 ultimate, evil vampire.
This tale goes back to the origins 
of the Vampire legends.
 This will most definitely be the most original Vampire story that you will read. It has many twists in the plot and as per my usual style of storytelling, 
 I don't waste a lot of pages with mundane descriptions and filler. I like to hit you with an action packed story that does not let up unti
 the end. I have read a lot of books that waste a lot of time with fluff and nonsense. 
Once my story starts, it does
not stop until you do.
 Stay tuned for the release date, but don't hold your breath,
twill be done when 
is is done,not
a spine tingling moment

 Meanwhile, if you have not already, check out this thriller, chiller, psycho killer novel and come back for more.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The book that I am currently working on is nearly finished. I would like to give a date that it will be available, but I do not rush these things. You see it will be ready when it is ready. That is to say that when I am satisfied that I have built up the imagery and the action to the point that it can compare with my previous works, then it will be ready.
I will give the readers of this blog an exclusive teaser about it. I have not given out any details about book yet. There are too many ways for ideas to be stolen, and I do not wish to be bothered with a lot of legal involvement. This book is too close to being published.
This book is about a Vampire that is as old as creation. According to Hebrew Mythology, when the earth was created, God created Man and Woman. But in this legend there was a woman created that was not the type of woman the God had intended, her name was Lilith and she was Adam's first wife. She did not submit to Adam and was pushed aside. God then made another woman, Eve.
Everyone knows the story from here, but the interesting part of this is that there are many literate references to Lilith. She is also suspected have taken the form of the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
This relief has a figure in the tree that has a woman's upper torso and a serpent's tail. This is not the only art work on this subject.  The serpent tempted Eve to eat the apple and they were all cast out of the Garden of Eden. Lilith then took her refuge on the banks of the Red Sea where she gave birth to multitudes of evil creatures. These abominations were summarily destroyed by the avenging angels. This is where my story takes it's inspiration. I built a characterization around an evil presence that began at the dawn of time. This evil demon then spread across the world.
If you look into folk stories about the origins of Vampires, you will find that many of the legends are very similar even though they come from a wide variety of countries and across a great many years and centuries.
How is it that a fictitious character can persist throughout all recorded history?
My book is about a vampire. ONE vampire that is the ultimate evil. His power is unimaginable, he is an immortal and lives to feed on the living. He is the reason that humans are afraid of the dark! This story tells of an ancient secret society of devout religious characters that have killed every vampire in existence.  However the original, immortal vampire can not be killed so he has been captured, staked, and locked in a secure mausoleum. This crypt is located in a small, remote convent in Italy where it is guarded by specially trained Nuns.( I will not let out anymore details about the Nuns, but understand that these are not school teachers and nurses, they are Vampire Hunters!)
The story begins when a violent storm damages the crypt and allows the Vampire to escape. (They always escape don't they?)
Then the chase is on and it leads from Italy to the South East US where the vampire ravages the countryside leaving mangled corpses in his wake. But of course that is not all. There is another sub plot, there are many interesting characters and a lot of suspense!
This story is quite original and it takes the Vampire creature back to the evil, vile and menacing creature that it is supposed to be. No more teenage, poofy, love sick vampires that are trying to get married and raise a family. Yuck!

As I mentioned before, It will be finished when I am satisfied with the story. It looks as though this book will be about 400 pages and if you have read my first novel, then you know that I do not waste time with useless information. Once the chase is on, it continues to escalate until the tense, action packed conclusion.  There are a lot of truly scary sequences, plenty of tense action, and as per my usual, a good bit of dark, tongue in cheek humor. After all, it is an inherently funny image when you think of Vampire hunting nuns with martial arts training.
Come back for more and follow my posts here and on this page. Thanks and I wish you bad dreams!