am currently looking for a literary agent.The normal process is very
trying and it is the bane of my existence. The query letter is an
oppressive thing for me. After all I am a novelist, it took me 318 pages
to tell the story in "The Final Shortcut"
a winning query I have to compress that into a paragraph. I really
think the query process is prohibitive, and a very small number of those
are actually reviewed.
is no wonder that so many authors are rejected. In fact a lot of now
famous authors were rejected over and over. If you can write a fantastic
paragraph, then become a newspaper journalist.
would love a chance to have someone in the business actually review a
book and not a letter. But they simply do not have the time to read
every book, which brings us back to the short, intense paragraph that is
intended to grab their attention and make them say WOW!
next novel is a vampire tale and it came in at nearly 400 pages. The
vampires are not teenage lovesick vampires either. In fact there is only
one at first. The alpha vampire and he is someone that you definitely
do not want to kiss and make puppy faces with. A query for this is not
going to be easy. It takes me three pages just to give the scenario.
Oh well...tis my plight and it shall be my undoing!